" It is also possible to confirm the details of the shipment status with the shipment tracking number, along with verification of the date the product was shipped from our facility. It is also possible to learn the current status of your purchase. Simply enter your shipment tracking number to confirm. ※ In the case of direct product delivery from manufacturers as well as distributors, we cannot provide a delivery completion email or a shipment tracking number notification. We appreciate your understanding. 【 EMS Homepage 】 http://www.kuronekoyamato.co.jp/"
" It is also possible to confirm the details of the shipment status with the shipment tracking number, along with verification of the date the product was shipped from our facility.
It is also possible to learn the current status of your purchase. Simply enter your shipment tracking number to confirm.
※ In the case of direct product delivery from manufacturers as well as distributors, we cannot provide a delivery completion email or a shipment tracking number notification. We appreciate your understanding.
【 EMS Homepage 】 http://www.kuronekoyamato.co.jp/"