HOMEForestry/Gardening Knives >  Takewari nata 461020 >  Narrow width hatchet 060259 >  takewarinata240 DMao2

takewarinata240 DMao2

Item No. ttmo-203

tosanokuni takewarinata(taketorimonogatari) 240 DMao2
tosanokuni takewarinata(taketorimonogatari) 240 DMao2
Trade name takewarinata240 DMao2
Price $302.40
Delivery Time Items will be shipped after 14-40 days if it's out of stock.
Item No. ttmo-203

Item Detail

Item No. ttmo-203
Trade name takewarinata240 DMao2
Blade length (Inch) 7.1 inch Type of sharpening edge Double
Total length (Inch) 14.2 inch Treatment of blade surface Black
Thickness (Inch) 0.2 inch Hilt Iron Wheel
Type of steel 15 layer Blue2 steelDamascu Handle Evergreen oak
■商品コード ttmo-203
刃長/全長/厚/刃形 240/390/6/両刃
刃幅/重さg/表面 34/400/黒槌
鋼/輪/ヒ DM/黒丸輪/なし
柄/鞘/ 樫(テェッカー)/木鞘(オイルステン)皮バンド/



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